Entrepreneurs’ Economic Impact 101

New businesses started by entrepreneurs are the source of nearly all net new job creation in the U.S. economy.


According to the Kauffman Foundation, net job creation is highest among the youngest businesses—meaning if we want more jobs, we need more entrepreneurs.


To spur entrepreneurship and job creation in Missouri, state lawmakers provide public funding annually to the Missouri Technology Corporation (MTC). In addition to providing catalytic investment to Missouri-based tech companies, MTC supports dozens of nonprofits that help new and small Missouri businesses grow.


These investments and supportive resources helped Missouri startups create 40,544 jobs in 2021—that’s 81% of all new jobs created in the state!


What’s more, our friends at the Kauffman Foundation report that Missouri startups have higher rates of job creation in their first year (4.74) than new businesses in neighboring states like Illinois (4.32), Kansas (3.90) and Iowa (2.84).


While Missourians should be proud of this record, we can’t rest on our laurels. New business ideas are being hatched now at kitchen tables, coffee shops, and farm fields across the state. You can help these budding entrepreneurs succeed by encouraging lawmakers to continue funding MTC.

Take action now to educate Missouri lawmakers about the economic impact made by entrepreneurs and MTC’s role in their success.


Power to the Entrepreneurs!


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