Cup Of Joe In St. Joseph Is Celebrating Its Six-Year Anniversary

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Cup of Joe was started as a way to support the entrepreneur community in the region. Each week, the volunteer-run organization invites two entrepreneurs to share their stories with other entrepreneurs and community members. After the presentation, the group asks questions and offers support and tips for success. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the group has continued to support its entrepreneurs through virtual gatherings and connecting supporters to programs and resources. They recently began holding limited in-person gatherings again, in a larger space that enables them to comply with recommended health and safety guidelines. The presentations are also live streamed on the group’s Facebook page.

“Our entrepreneurs need support from our community and each other now more than ever,” said Alyson Fisher.  “Even during the pandemic, we have heard stories of entrepreneurs realizing their dreams with commitment, creativity and resilience. I have been so inspired by their passion.”

“2020 has been challenging, so we really want to celebrate and lift up our entrepreneurs. They are the backbone of our economy and help make our communities vibrant and unique,” said Annette Weeks, volunteer and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Missouri Western State University. “On our anniversary each year, Cup of Joe invites several past presenters to share updates on their business and how Cup of Joe has impacted them personally and professionally.”

This year’s returning presenters are:

  • Kardell Sims – Kardell Sims Enterprises

  • Stephanie Campbell – Blue Willow Boutique

  • Ryan Gerster – First Ward House

  • Brett Miller – HURT! App

  • Matt Robb  – Cu-Tap

  • Erin Green  – United Pharmacal Co. (UPCO)

The encore presenters will be featured at the regularly scheduled Cup of Joe gathering held at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021 at the Restoration Natatorium in downtown St. Joseph, 117 Francis St. It will also be streamed live on the group’s Facebook page. The six-year anniversary celebration will also include special giveaways and refreshments. 

For more information on Cup of Joe, check out the group’s website. For updated information on weekly presenters, to watch the livestream or access archived presentations, follow the Cup of Joe Facebook page. If you want to participate in person or online, Cup of Joe meets every Wednesday morning at the Restoration Natatorium in downtown St. Joseph, 117 Francis St. Coffee and conversation begins at 8:30 a.m. with entrepreneur presentations from 9-10 a.m. 


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