Advocacy Update and Call to Action

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The 2021 Legislative Session has been like none other. Advocacy from small business stakeholders has shown lawmakers the vital role entrepreneurs play in creating a strong economy and their important role in recovery. Despite an atypical session, several proposals are under consideration to put policies in place for Missouri to show its support for entrepreneurs and innovators.

Below is a summary of current initiatives we are following.  Please join NEXT Missouri in adding your voice to our advocacy efforts by visiting our action center. 

Legislation for ACTION

  • The Research and Development Tax Credit renewal legislation is making its way through both chambers of the Missouri legislature with no public opposition. Importantly, this new version of the R&D Tax would specifically dedicate a portion of the credits to small businesses, and minority – and women-owned businesses.

Legislation of Note

  • There is legislation to create a task force to examine the policy environment surrounding innovation and names our stakeholders as members of the committee. 

  • Additionally, there is legislation that allows for any person who holds a valid, current occupational license issued by another state or branch of military for one year prior to be eligible for a license under Military Occupational Specialty. The goal is to ease license restrictions on military members and spouses within Missouri.

  • Representative Fitzwater has also brought forward legislation called the “Right to Start Act,” which removes barriers for Missourians to start a business. Missouri is the first state to propose this legislative package and this groundbreaking legislation will likely be the model for other states to follow suit in removing red tape for those who dream of owning their own business. 

No action necessary on these bills just yet. Please stay tuned for future action.


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